gabrielle allessandro. the political corruption continues in haiti. >> that is absolutely right. we are joining us from port-au-prince. it will be tomorrow ten years ago, the earthquake hit haiti and killed so many people, it was the biggest natural disaster to hit the region of the world in over 200 years in the number of people that died. but now we are five years later some have changed for the better some not so much for better but right now on this anniversary, this is a country that is facing a political crisis and political situation that is in chaos. president michel martele did not call for additional safeguards, the mandate will expire in less than 24 hours from now. that means president martele could rule by decree. this country has seen day after day of street are protests by antigovernment protesters. a political situation could be diving deeper into crisis. another day and more antigovernment protests in the streets of port port-au-prince. now they're growing in intensity, at times they're violent. trying to stem the offense president michel martele played his final