so always a gadd idea. adam: talk about the financial realities of what is really at the heart of this some people are afraid, always people are predicting the end is nigh, repent now, buy bitcoin, depending what generation you're from. give me an idea. you have $260 million under management. who is your average client? let's start there. a lot of us can relate to these people. who is your average client? >> our average client, we have 40% small business owners. adam: okay. >> and last year they had a target painted on their forehead for a tax hike. and this year they're looking at about $120,000 more in taxes. we talk a lot about trickle-down economics but we never talk about trickle down taxation. when you hit a small business owner with another $120,000 in taxes he has to pay that by going to part-time workers, reducing workforce. raising his prices. adam: again, i want to build a connection. i think my audience can relate to these people who ask questions which seem outrageous but actually are rooted in