this is a -- this shows how gaddafi never changes. he is the same. i would like to hear your view on that. thank you. >> we have been absent from libya for almost 30 years. we are just back in really the second year of formalization. i am not going to justify the fact that we do not have a very public campaign of pressure on libya, at this point, because i do not think it would be very effective. we're just in the stages of establishing a relationship with them. there is still a lot of suspicion. we have had a few incidents in the past where we have tried to do very public events or incidents with respect to pushing the human rights envelope, and we have gotten a lot of blow back on it. i think it was a little bit counter-productive. it is not the situation that i would like, but it is a situation that we face. i can assure you that we conduct a very vigorous human rights dialogue with them. it is done behind closed doors. i can -- i know that is not a very satisfactory answer, but i have found, and i -- maybe these will come out at some point when w