so let me bring your lawyer into this conversation, gadeir abbas. this is one of 26 states that has passed similar laws. hia was tose, if ba friend, "i ama not going to buy something that is made in the occupied territories that israel is selling in the united states," this would make are in violation of the law? >> yes. bahia would be disqualified from working for any school district in the state that is following this law simply because she chooses not to buy, for instance, sabra hummus. decision automatically under this law disqualifies her from all public employees -- all public employment of all kinds. corporatengaged in ticket activity that really has a hallowed place in american tradition, from boycotts against british tea, from the montgomery boycott, from the boycott .gainst apartheid south africa her actions and choices to spend her money in a particular way are expressive transactions that are protected by the first amendment. the state of texas is siding with the foreign country's policy over the needs of bahia's students. let's remember