and those photographs, they were gaego workers. they were from a part of spain that i come from. that got my attention. through those photographs, i gote a book about alacian workers. there were almost 12,000. and i would say that maybe 12,000 spaniards. i would say maybe 75% were from galicia. in the u.s., i would say the panama canal was a fixation in the u.s., because when the panama canal was started, the american frontier was already conquered. so, panama became the new frontier. the building of the panama became the new frontier. so in the u.s., there was a lot of fascination wihth the building of the canal, and how the work was progressing. pride,e was a tremendous the americanart of consciousness. table we have a sample of our sheet e-cig relating to the panama -- sheet music. what it represents is an american popular phenomena that when something that happened that captured the public imagination, either because it was wonderful or amazing or even horrifying, there were songs written about it. sheets a period when music was the principal means of distribution of popular