i think that that has helped as has the first of its kind guard gaer apprintice and i also think that our capitol program has had an impact. some of that does get reflected in the annual scores and the parks are able to address some of those structural maintenance issues that do get reflected in these quarterly evaluations but we still have a lot of work to do and even with the 2012 parks bond, we are only chiping away at the total amount of what is needed in our parks. as we are trending upward, given the resources that we do have, i think that we are performing at an exceptionally high level and that is a threshold that is tough to maintain and increase, giving the staffing resources that we do have. i think that this is a good news report and talk over to peg to talk more about the program and i am happy to answer any questions after our presentation is done. >> you mean that was not the presentation? >> that was just a warm up. >> thank you, phil. >> thank you for that wonderful warm up. >> now, on with the program. >> actually, i'm going to turn it over to our staff to talk about