his producer stood up for gagunsky.ponse he was met with demands: if you want to meet her, pay a million. well, basically, no one has ever called me a juvenile pimple. i offended milana, she was very upset about the matter, that my daughter was being dragged into some kind of dirty showdown. as i understand it, director gagunsky has already been damaged, right? they didn’t just file everything in court. have you tried contacting gagulsky himself? well let it be it’s his team, let him... he doesn’t call you either? friends feel sorry for gagunsky, because it was he who put his daughter on stage when she was only 4 years old, and there is no gratitude. irina mairka assures that milan’s talented people made their way to the star olympus even without their famous father. the young star is in great demand; she is invited to corporate events for 350,000 rubles. video congratulations from gagunsky’s daughter costs 15,000, for the same natasha koroleva the price is three times. from september there are 50 more concerts all over