everywhere aaron went he took gaia. that opened the door for him.enly started engaging with other people, talking to staff, being more open. he had a softer, more nurturing side that emerged after gaia came into his life. aaron and i never had an overt conversation about the fact he killed his parents and now he was parenting a kitten. it was obvious to me though that whatever he couldn't feel for his own family and certainly the people he killed, he seemed to transfer all of these emotions over to this cat, which was interesting to observe, and we spent weeks there and i would check in with him periodically, and we were filming aaron looking at family photographs, and he started to pause and he seemed to almost be reminiscing in a good way as he looked at his mom, and he seemed to have a little kinder feelings towards her. >> this is probably the best picture i have ever seen of my mom. this was also in '85. this was when she graduated from a beauty school as a beautician. >> he was describing her in a kinder, more loving way than i had ever heard