gail bradbrook who has a ph d. in molecular biology quit her last job to work full time for x r. the organization pacer $800.00 pounds a month to help cover her expenses. and although she's a founding member of the movement she doesn't consider herself a leader. leadership is something everybody needs to do next thing she rebellion you've got to have a leadership perspective on your own life like what is it when you look at the whole thing so if you're in a group you're not just thinking about your own role in that group you're thinking about how well the groups go in and maybe at some time somebody will come who's better do not jump the man i can retire. to get. in the fight to save the climate bradbrook is also willing to resort to drastic measures on occasion last october she broke a window during a demonstration at the department for transport in london. but overall we know that civil disobedience is something that works in the world and that's necessary so sometimes you kind of have to lift the focus on. the department for transport and they are not spending the money they s