and in part because of more generalized federal spending has become really wealthy. >> annie, gail collins-- >> hi, gail. >> -- but she's right here today. >> can i ask you, this is so interesting about washington, and it's not only washington where economic booms are being pushed by federal spending. i mean, i keep reminding people all the time that texas has a ton of federal spending, but it tends to be mostly military, or at least a lot of it is. and then federal contracts. how much of the spending in washington is militarily driven, and how much of it is from other stuff? >> i think that the thing is that a lot of the new spending, since 2001 especially, is military. so it's going to the military. we built a whole new department in the department of homeland security. things like the cia and the, you know, just the nsa budgets have increased quite a bit. so i would describe it as defense and security as being really the heart of this, even if it isn't military precisely. but, you know, the military budget has expanded hugely. this is something that "morning joe" was talking about this