and joining us to question him are gail russell chaddock, washington editor of "the christian science monitor" and david leitman from mcclatchy. >> there's a lot coming up this year. we have one week in session next week and then six or eight days in september. then elections. in the fiscal cliff. is congress really have enough time in those eight days plus next week to assure the country that all is well heading into these elections? >> indeed, i think the battle next week may give people some discouragement, though i would hope it might encourage people. we're going back about over one of the key issues related to the long term. that is whether revenues will be a part of the solution. the republicans are essentially saying that we cannot touch the income taxes of the very high income families. that is their position and they are stuck on it, i think it does not bode well. i was looking a few days ago about the income figures for 2010, the latest we have them. the upper 1% receive 93% of income growth that year. the upper 1% receive 93%. when that is true and a very small percentage