gaith, earlier this week, the obama administration tried to convince mahmoud abbas not to go ahead with bid. obviously, they didn't succeed. but why now and why this? >> now because the two factors. one is a sense of frustration. i think that was expressed today in the speech, a feeling the negotiations were going nowhere, a feeling settlements were being built in a way that would undermine the two-state solution. and the second factor, the arab spring, the movement among the people of the arab world demanding action from their government, i think abbas felt compelled to do something, moving the ball forward. >> suarez: an hour later, prime minister benjamin netanyahu delivered a tough speech. he said things will go badly on the ground in that area once that statehood bid is made. what does it change for israel? >> look, i think he was trying to tell the world, the way statehood rubs through peace, and it cannot be divorced from it, and anything done in the u.n. is not just a purely symbolic move but could have real implications in making peacemaking more difficult. and given that these