wherever those ships are out at sea and we showed up to do that job with two helicopters and eight gaius the navy that we replaced was doing it with two helicopters and thirty five guys same kind of helicopters really and so you know the problem is the navy admiral that said i need thirty five people to do that mission isn't having to pay for those so that's the danger of separating cost from demand and you tend to demand a lot more people so wait what now we're getting back to the beginning of the show where i told you where you hired because the u.s. military wasn't as efficient as a private military firm turns out yes. well you know because we're not a business i often told our employees we're not a line item in the federal budget if we don't convince our customers to hire us if we don't add the value and save the money then we're done so the private sector will always find a more innovative way to do things why not privatized the military altogether well because the realm of offensive combat operation should remain the realm of the states. but the support functions which is where the