unfortunately, artur eduardych, everything is much more serious, we contacted galdsburg, she did nototel, did not cross the border of austria, so it becomes." more and more interesting, what are we going to do? well, alla dmitrievna, our affairs are really bad, how much worse can they get, with such a this month we won't even cover the interest on the debts with our revenue, and as for reserves, you're kidding, what reserves, you have to have them, and i've already encroached on the vacation fund, yes, i'm afraid that they might take away my tribute, you don't know, a lawyer came, a long time ago, what are you going to complain about guardianship, no, i want to consult, i'm thinking maybe i should sell the company and get a normal job, since you 've put in so much effort, and who needs your company anyway, all in debt, up to your neck in silks, and you can't find a decent job right away either, yeah, hello, tili tili dough, we play kingdom, who is this, only telephone terrorists are missing and... where did they call from? i don't know, the number is not recognized. listen, i already