galen hollenbaugh and i -- along with the montana chamber of commerce, the montana contractors association and others -- have joined together to propose record investments in our educational facilities. it's called the j.o.b.s. bill, which stands for jobs and opportunity by building schools. to propose record investments in we can take advantage of historically low interest rates and immediately create thousands of jobs across the state -- and do it without raising taxes. [applause] stand with me and the over 2,500 construction workers we want to put to work building world class schools for our world class workforce. and while we are at it, let's make sure that those 2,500-plus construction workers newly employed by the j.o.b.s. bill are our friends and neighbors. right now, we have a law on the books that is supposed to require that at least half of the workers on any construction project funded by state or local tax dollars be montana residents, but it's riddled with loopholes and not enforceable. when taxpayer money is funding a project, let's put montana companies and montana workers f