this rails close several checkpoints in the area around drama, la. russia's foreign minister, sir. galen rob is accusing the west of what he calls abandoning diplomacy. when it comes to the war in ukraine, he was responding to criticism from the un secretary general, who accused rusher of causing massive suffering and devastation and ukraine. our diplomatic editor james base as more from new york the russian foreign minister in new york presiding over the un security council. he said the world system was evaporating before our eyes. so just on us, and the reason that she stammered the dessert now the united nation centered system is enduring a profound crisis. whose root cause was the desire of some members of our organization to replace international law and the united nations charter with a certain rules based order. nobody has seen these rules. they were not the subject of transparent international negotiations due to them. but western diplomat said the decision to call this meeting about the defense of the u. n's. founding charter was cynical. the u. s. ambassador said it was russia that