just in our city of galena park, there has been 43 new cases since june 1.rent numbers here in our city sincejune 30 at 4pm are 66 confirmed. we have averaged 7.6 cases a month in the first three months of this disease, and we are currently on pace to see almost six times that amount in a single month. every age group in the city has seen cases of this disease, from infants to 80 years of age and up. but let's keep in mind that this disease continues to be an issue. hospitals are seeing a large amount of patients and their capacity is filling up quickly. that's why i placed a curfew, because this is manageable. we're trying to keep the people out of the hospitals, and if people limit their interactions with people, we may be able to bring back some of the curve. the new mask order and the city curfews will help, but it will require time to work, and for the people to stay home. the next two weeks will be critical and we can turn the numbers around. we have to remember that this is a disease that is really spreading through droplets, and when we have close co