first, they were housed -- they lived more or less ok, but the flyer that was distributed in galicia, the picture that was shown was a picture of a hotel for american workers. so there was a division. american workers were on one side, and everybody else was on the other. the spanish workers were housed in barracks style buildings, with i will say army cots. and those were the lucky ones. there were others. they had to sleep in railroad cars. others, they had to sleep in tents. and the west indians, they suffered the most, because they -- they were basically left to fend off by themselves. we may have one of the richest collections about the panama canal anywhere in the world. it's like opening a window into the past. and you have to use your imagination a little bit, you know, too. so, i imagine that you will be able to get what it was like to work and to live during those 10 years that it took to build the canal. >> you can watch this and other american artifacts programs anytime by visiting our website at >> this year, we are touring the country. a our recent vi