in the galilee basin in queensland no bank or financial institute will back them the government said that they would give them money but we've had so many more people come on now and protest against the mine they galilee basin is like the water there's water there so the water runs not just from queens and it runs through new south wales victorian it comes out on top of strayer so we've got the lower dollar basin which is the water's being dried up because of irrigation and because of mining that we have here as well in fracking that we have a new south wales and so people are constantly protesting all the time i remember thinking at the time would you get away with this in another country and the media played a very important part of it is it promoted the idea of. aboriginal people really being. sort of beyond the pale all they were drunks the the subtext was they were to blame for the road situations but weren't the products of a vicious colonialism. or can emerge room but another prime minister is another country with newton's population will be able to pull on north we are slowly