a shout out i can't leave here without giving a shout out to the best high school in the city, galileo lions >> thank you very much. next speaker, please >> good afternoon supervisors, i'm peter warfield executive director of library users association. i would like to call your attention and the publics attention to getting less for more expenditure and i would thrike urge you to have hear squgz ask question when the mayors budget comes to you june 1 with respect to the library. regarding reduced service, if thirst thing the library laz done in the about the last year is >> student put entry restrictions on the public that are so bad that the american civil liberties union of northern california sent the library a letter saying that some of those rules and punishments the exclusions from attendance were unacceptable including one specifically referring to inappropriate use of the bathrooms which ultimately ended up in the librarys rules anyway. anonymous searching for patrons is all but eliminated from our library last year. there were ix 60 terminals spread throughout the location squz now