is to be to more than 1500 men who were the giants uniform before them, from willie mays to allah gallagherliam a covey, will clark, body and barry bonds, jimmy davenport, gaylord perry, from marishow to murph, and on and on. they all fought for this for 52 years and you brought it home for them. thank you. and how many of you out there remember going to giants games at candlestick park in the 1960's, 1970's, 1980's, 1990's? what this 2010 giants team did, what it accomplished pays tribute to more than 90 million of us who passed through the turnstiles at field stadium, candlestick park, and of at&t park in the past 53 years, leading with your hearts, wearing your, coming with your infants and grandchildren, booin g the dodgers, shared experiences of fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, this 2010 giants team, well, you brought it home all for us, too. thank you all so much. i was one of them taking the bus with my father out to candlestick. i am sure all of you have your stories of candlestick. some of you, even of field stadium. now we take our children and share experiences, my wife,