i think the other noteworthy item we have done due diligence today met with galliard your stable value manager and core flex plus manager. even though they are low returns year to date we are at a very unique time frame. we're 25 year low in credit spreads. understand when fixed income managerers doing and allocating risk the punch line is they are taking rescues off the table because they are not reward for temperature. across the board very strong. returns, happy to answer questions. >> great. on this note, and this was on the first page. commissioners. i want to share a couple updates we have for you number swon this last week the plan roached over sick billion. we are at 6 billion with a b. when i starred 9 years ago i remember under 2 billion. we were prud to seat growth. so now over sick billion we report out on that. i like to i think the growth has to do with effortos communication and updating educational materials. i wanted to share with the board that earlier this month the rmd mail are went out reminds rmd participate this is there are if not fulfilled will be cut which mea