trying to buy some toothpaste and the checkout clerk asks you for your zip code or phone number galligan suggests giving fake information at that point when you do give them that information it gets aggregated so retailers can find out much more about you like how much money you make your credit card history birthday lots of information can be revealed when it gets aggregated so it makes sense to give out fake information like galligan south. the next tip she told c.n.n. is to not show your driver's license when you're asked for photo i.d. she says the next time your doctor's office asks for identification with a photo of them something else like your work bad that's because driver's licenses show more information including your birthday and address not to mention your driver's license i.d. number so it makes sense to show another form of photo id to protect your information another tip galligan gave c.n.n. is the set. a separate email account that is just for marketing when companies demand you cough up an email address just to buy something she says just give them this dedicated junk e