galpin said in islamabad, the opposition is accusing the u.s. of trying to sabotage these talks between the taliban and pakistan government with the strike. >> i'm not surprised by that. i think u.s. strikes against agostini taliban figures get the government -- against the taliban and figures give the islamabad government quiet cover over the close cooperation between the countries. typically they do not target asked any taliban, they focus on al qaeda. i think this reflects new working level relations between the two militaries. >> what do you think the timing means for the peace talks? >> i think the peace talks were mostly only for show. the government in islamabad was going through these talks to show that it has adopted all diplomatic options. on the talks have failed, which they will, the government can say we tried all we could and now the military will have to go in and pursue more aggressive measures. >> what impact will the death of mehsud have on the pakistan m taliban? >> a creates a lot of disarray. there will be competition for po