judge john galuzo, kenneth lester, honorable debra steinberg nelson. >> they certainly are different judge that has been assigned the case. she's a very new judge. she's only been on the bench for a little over a year. these are seasoned judges. judge galuzo was appointed by governor jeb bush in 2006, about a year after the stand your ground law was enacted. judge kenneth lester, 1996. judge deborah steinberg nelson, 1999. also appointed by governor jeb bush. why that is important, john is because we know mark o'mara has been an attorney for quite some time and may have appeared in front of these judges. any attorney in any case but a serious high-profile case like this will want to appear in front of a judge he or she has appeared in front of and has some sort of rapport. i suspect that also went into the asking for this judge to recuse herself. she's sort of an unknown factor. these judges are more known factors, at least to this defense team. >> this impacted all the planned bond hearing on friday? >> i think it's very possible. the bond hearing is set for this friday. and if ther