i wouldn’t let oleg ivanovich go for a long time, women turn to him, they like him, there’s galya kuznetsovahe, he’ll put it on her eye, can i take you, well, just a minute, please, and you too, it’s me. forced to step, from childhood brought up in the ranks of reverence, you remember our youth, yeah, as if it was 100 years ago, everything was different, and i, to be honest, remember my student years with hostility, romance, hostels, nights without... today you are a loader, tomorrow a watchman, i used to stand in the buffet, i think that a sandwich with sausage or a cutlet is more satisfying, and next to me is a girl in a dress ironed by her mother, wondering why vishnevsky is so greedy, i like her without memory, i’m afraid to invite her to the cinema, the guy goes to his own muscovite, his parents gave it to him. oleg and i also rented a room from some old woman, always without money , yes, i also married at the institute, as if at the institute, but no, to that same girl, i’m a straight person, yes, yes. you won’t believe it, all this beauty evokes a strange feeling, it seems to me that