no problem - says galybok. i’ll write right away. i lethally dump the corpse of my dogs.rama, and then spatter. revalutsyya, khannya, turma i ўureshtse tragic death of the galoin. the heroes of the shybenitsy, however , the plot is the same as usual. further, pain, with praise, the charming locksmith hastened to build his own theater. i had nothing, no everyday life, no action, no dekaratsy, or even a weak feather. performances can be performed in workers' clubs, or simply on a vyaskovy padwork, songs can be written by oneself, decorative paintings, taxa will be used by neighbors. darechy, who knows, who knows? ih... so the 16-year-old stefa stanyuta, the future legend of the scene, patralized the corpse. nesser sakalowski made his debut in her and ўhorashny soldiers, being a campaigner, the singer of the belarusian anthem. ale naypersh ruplevets zazyagnuu at the new theater with his family, wife, dacha and old matsi. on the stage galubok and all galubki, yadzia, lyusya, busya, ema and grandma, the minchuks were roasting. the nep has cultural regulations based on the budg