. >> the way to keep a sales rep engaged during a sales cycle is a technique called sales gameficationke a game of it. there are steps along the way that can be small victories. maybe a silver rep, bronze rep, gold rep along the way. keep them interested by gamefying it. >> it's also, you have a timing effect. maybe one's coming in and closing from six months ago -- but until you get to the point where they have the built-up pipeline, keeping them motivated is all about them understanding what the end goal is, what the end result is. and like greg said, along the way, there's merits along the way. there's little steps along the way. hey, this is great. what's the next step? we've got to come in for a discovery day so they can learn and meet the team. once those things happen, there are positive things along the way you can reward and maybe not a financial compensation, but like greg was saying, some kind of merit badge or encouragement tool. hey, let's celebrate over xyz. >> greg, how do you figure out the right balance between commission and salary? >> well, depends on the economics o