year we woke up to the role gender plays in the internet and tech industry. .14 was the year of gamergate female videogamers were viciously harassed. it was the year of the icloud breach where most celebrities affected were women. it was the year of uber, that began when the company was responding to a female blogger who was critical of the company's practices on gender. silicon valley, to its great credit, has started to issue transparency reports on diversity of their workforce. what i want to ask you, do you personally think it is important that the tech industry hire a diverse workforce? if so, why? >> i do think that is important. i'm pleased to see companies are being open about their numbers and also taking steps to address the issue. it is important for a multitude of reasons. let me touch on a couple. any company that seeks to be at the cutting edge and innovative, you need to make use of the full talent pool that is available to you. i'm not hiring and not -- by not hiring and ensuring that your workforce is diverse, you're missing out. another dimension of some of the issues we