and that's when gandalf knocked on my door and said, you're it man. and it was my scan. on and continued searching. he discovered that not only did he have the brain of a psychopath, but you also have the crucial gene, very associating with aggression and psychopathy. the s l. c 6, a 14 helps breakdown serotonin. the m a r a gene, nicknamed the warrior gene, also helps breakdown serotonin and, nor adrenalin in the brain. serotonin, the happy hormone helps calm you down, unless too much of it floods the brain, then it takes on a different role. that's what happens when few a variance at the 2 genes mentioned directive than the brain swims and serotonin, which can lead to aggression. ah, james family is by no means the only one of his kind. his research as shown, 20 percent of all children of the genetic condition linked to psychopathy. so is it possible to have the brain of a psychopath and the genetic predisposition yet still lead a relatively normal life and feel empathy with the people around you? i have some psychopathic traits, but i'm an normal regular guy, complete