arch duke france ferdinand, gandy, lincoln, jfk, martin luther king, julius caesar.est, ronan bergman, a terrific israeli investigative reporter has done a deep dive on the mostly untold story of israel's secret assassinations. it's all in a new book called "rise and kill first: the secret history of israel's targeted assassinations." ronan bergman, pleasure to have you on. >> thank you, fareed. >> the big question, i suppose, everybody has is, did israel need to have this kind of a lethal policy, targeted assassinations, to survive? was this a crucial part of what israel needed to do, or could it have done without it? >> well, it's very hard to play counterfactual history, what if. but i can tell you that israel from day one had to use force. even putting aside the trauma of the holocaust, every decade, they had at least one enemy, and a very important one, who calls for israel's destruction. n nasir of egypt. that all the jews who came to israel after 1917, all of them. and any should be expelled. saddam hussein, who threatened to burn half of israel. the most impo