gansler, chairman gansler will attend and give his testimony. we're going to be very welcoming him in regards to the committee, but that's something i'm going to ask, why on earth are you going ahead with 40 regulations and you can't even define who you're going to regulate and what you're going to regulate? no definition. that to me is -- that to me is pretty bad. you have the cart before the horse there. mr. president, in closing, i want to make two points. first, in many rural areas of kansas and the rest of the country, agriculture is the cornerstone of the economy. second, in the coming decades, we will be even more reliant on america's farmers and ranchers to feed an ever-growing world population. i said that before. we must truly commit to a real and robust -- here's a good senate word -- robust review and revocation of any and all unduly burdensome regulations that could inhibit american agriculture's ability to produce the safest, most abundant and affordable food, feed and fiber supply in the world. we're talking about 9.3 billion peop