fishermen a lot of them had small businesses of the oem a lot of the people were farmers we weren't they gantz. agriculture because all of the farmers up here were all tariff almos. so we all had to work hard we all had to respect each other the foul use that were given to us by our family he taught you all just things that you need in your life to survive if i was raised by immigrant grandparents they talked me to appreciate what the lane. has given me. but some of these gone. the establishment of a large sugar plantations was kind of the colonial force that really pulled these islands into the chains of global capital agricultural production and left behind a legacy of consolidated land ownership control over water rights and really that this and franchise men and marginalization of indigenous people and their homelands . my home is located in a while called white in a place known as kickoff on the west side of. 6 years ago i was awarded hawaiian homestead the mixed blessing was that i had annoyed what i would be surrounded by a few years after moving to that neighborhood in the late 1980 s.