also gene dodaro will talk about the gao's report on mismanagement, fraud, and ways.oin in on the conversation live at 7:00 eastern on sunday morning on c-span, c-span now, our free mobile app, or online at >> this week on the c-span networks, the house and senate are in session. the house will vote on legislation repeal biden administration energy and environmental rules. the senate continues voting on president trump' cabinets nominations, including the education secretary and labor. the house can begin voting on funding to the end of september to avert a shutdown. on tuesday, the senate foreign relations committee considers the nomination of matthew whitaker, former act in attorney general -- acting attorney general under president trump's firsadnistration, to the nato ambassador. several mayors testified before the house oversight committee on the policies of sanctuary cities. and the seas continues our coverage of senate confirmatio hearings for president trump's leadership nominees. the senate will hold hearings for two nonees get o wednesday, stanfo