in the wake of another worldly war , the garadzen palaces were dug up by the private forces, and thenanother fall of 20 centuries in the style of the savetsk empire. the views of the new castle resonate with the architecture of the tavern palace in st. petersburg. similar to the russian budynka, the new castle may have masses of shascikalonny portions of the gift order. akramya tago, kind of round i lead with a long spire, similar in shape and round bathed petsyarburgskaga ab'ekta. budynka may have a unique number of windows on the galvanized facades. the large classical portions of the garadzen palace are roughly depicted in the original baroque structure of the former karaleevskaya residence, with full details characteristic of baroque. pershapachatkova ryzalit central nag. the façade and fronton were of the highest importance for the well-known fronton. savetsky will make the tall spiers tired, but this vertical structure was not able to give the campasic lightness and elegance that baroque residences produced. adsul i taki style, as some call it “stalinka”, so this unclassical sty