Apr 2, 2010
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los últimos años de su vida, y según los cargos abusó de decenas de niños, garcía rompió el silenciousaciones son falsas. >>> que no se dejen llevar por el chisme, o porque alguien me dijo, sino que traten de buscar la verdad. >>> los abogados de algunas víctimas dicen que garcía fue sacado de cuba por la aprobación de la alta jerarquia católica, cuando el papa benedicto xvi era el encargado de velar por esto, pero garcía dice que fue expulsado por el régimen. >>> me llamaron y me dijeron que había una carta de cuba, supuse que era del gobierno, donde decían que nos habían sacado por cuestiones de inmoralidad. después no hubo más evidencia de nada. >>> garcía vive en costa rica desde hace 10 años con su esposa y una hija de 15 años. >>> los vecinos del ex sacerdote dicen estar sorprendidos, muchos dicen que desconocían que había sido sacerdote. >>> doña silvia fue su empleada de confianza. >>> yo los conocí, excelentes personas, trabajé 4 años ahí, me trataron bien. >>> el ex sacerdote dijo que lo que hizo en cuba fue ayudar a los necesitados, y en miami ayudó a los inmigrantes. aseg
los últimos años de su vida, y según los cargos abusó de decenas de niños, garcía rompió el silenciousaciones son falsas. >>> que no se dejen llevar por el chisme, o porque alguien me dijo, sino que traten de buscar la verdad. >>> los abogados de algunas víctimas dicen que garcía fue sacado de cuba por la aprobación de la alta jerarquia católica, cuando el papa benedicto xvi era el encargado de velar por esto, pero garcía dice que fue expulsado por el régimen....
Apr 14, 2010
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garcia. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from michigan, mr. conyors, and the gentleman from texas, mr. -- mr. conyers, and the gentleman from texas, mr. smith, each will control 20 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from michigan. mr. conyers: thank you, madam speaker. i yield moifs myself. -- i yield myself such time as i may consume and ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous consideration. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized. mr. conyers: madam speaker, this resolution was brought to the judiciary committee's attention by our friend, solomon ortiz of texas, which recognizes the leadership and historical contributions of dr. hector garcia to the hispanic community and the nation in his remarkable efforts to combat racial and ethnic discrimination. now, dr. garcia was born in mexico, and his family settled in more sayies -- mercedes,
garcia. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from michigan, mr. conyors, and the gentleman from texas, mr. -- mr. conyers, and the gentleman from texas, mr. smith, each will control 20 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from michigan. mr. conyers: thank you, madam speaker. i yield moifs myself. -- i yield myself such time as i may consume and ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include...
Apr 21, 2010
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accionesla iniciativa se convertirÍa automÁticamente la ley sin su firma. >> desde arizona jaime garcÍahorp >> algunos congresistas reclaman su anulaciÓn. >> congresistas de habla hispana le pidieron hoy a la gobernadora que anule la medida. >> estÁ firmando una ley que dice no camine, no viva en arizona porque va a ser discriminado por cero platino. tr >> thomas sÁenz dice que es inconstitucional. >> ahora se ven en una lucha polÍtica en las elecciones donde esto ha cambiado totalmente y especialmente se le ha dado la espalda a la comunidad latina. >> el senador mcckay criticaba al gobierno por no mandar los suficientes recursos para combatir la violencia. a >> se interceptaron uno. 3 millones de libras de pmariguan no veo cÓmono hay bases para tomar medidas mÁs fuertes. mytawk >> entendemos la amenaza, y creo que la secretarÍa tomarÁ la decisiÓn en un futuro cercano. univisionultima horah@trqhmy[ah acudiÓ a la petición de soldados. >> para poder afrontar al crimen organizado que se estÁ viviendo. >> son mÁs las dificultades que se aÑaden a la reforma de polÍticas inmigratorias. >> el
accionesla iniciativa se convertirÍa automÁticamente la ley sin su firma. >> desde arizona jaime garcÍahorp >> algunos congresistas reclaman su anulaciÓn. >> congresistas de habla hispana le pidieron hoy a la gobernadora que anule la medida. >> estÁ firmando una ley que dice no camine, no viva en arizona porque va a ser discriminado por cero platino. tr >> thomas sÁenz dice que es inconstitucional. >> ahora se ven en una lucha polÍtica en las...
Apr 3, 2010
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en los angeles jaime garcÍa,univision. >> un agente fronterizo disparÓ, el individuo y otros mÁs transportaban0 libras de mariguana. lucharon con los agentes. mÁs de 350 rancheros a ser -reunieron con diversas autoridades federales para mayor seguridad. el ranchero fue asesinado por un sujeto vinculado a un casos de narcotrÁfico. las autoridades estÁn en alerta por una gran amenaza enviada a decenas de gobernadores del paÍs, les exigen que presenten sus renuncias. las autoridades habÍan tomado con menor cautela la amenaza, como nos explica
en los angeles jaime garcÍa,univision. >> un agente fronterizo disparÓ, el individuo y otros mÁs transportaban0 libras de mariguana. lucharon con los agentes. mÁs de 350 rancheros a ser -reunieron con diversas autoridades federales para mayor seguridad. el ranchero fue asesinado por un sujeto vinculado a un casos de narcotrÁfico. las autoridades estÁn en alerta por una gran amenaza enviada a decenas de gobernadores del paÍs, les exigen que presenten sus renuncias. las autoridades...
Apr 21, 2010
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. >> desde arizona jaime garcÍa. myxdík >> la ley anh@ultima horah@ aprobÓ en arizona gkpulhan horp >lgunos congresistas reclaman su anulaciÓn. >> congresistas de habla hispana le pidieron hoy a la gobernadora que anule la medida. >> estÁ firmando una ley que dice no camine, no viva en arizona porque va a ser discriminado por cero platino. tr >> thomas sÁenz dice que es inconstitucional. >> ahora se ven en una lucha
. >> desde arizona jaime garcÍa. myxdík >> la ley anh@ultima horah@ aprobÓ en arizona gkpulhan horp >lgunos congresistas reclaman su anulaciÓn. >> congresistas de habla hispana le pidieron hoy a la gobernadora que anule la medida. >> estÁ firmando una ley que dice no camine, no viva en arizona porque va a ser discriminado por cero platino. tr >> thomas sÁenz dice que es inconstitucional. >> ahora se ven en una lucha
Apr 23, 2010
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vamos con jaime garcía. >>> buenas tardes, y pocas personas pudieron adivinar hace 4 meses las implicacionesara el resto del país de esta ley cuando fue presentada a la legislatura, pero la gobernadora hizo lo que consideró lo más importante, y será difícil que el temor que provocó era reparado ya. ♪ >>> se acabó la espera, y la gobernadora aprobó la primera ley estatal que hace un delito criminar entrar sin documentos a este estado. >>> esta es una ley contra el crimen que protege a los ciudadanos, y asegurando que el requisito de pedir papeles no violiará los derechos civiles.
vamos con jaime garcía. >>> buenas tardes, y pocas personas pudieron adivinar hace 4 meses las implicacionesara el resto del país de esta ley cuando fue presentada a la legislatura, pero la gobernadora hizo lo que consideró lo más importante, y será difícil que el temor que provocó era reparado ya. ♪ >>> se acabó la espera, y la gobernadora aprobó la primera ley estatal que hace un delito criminar entrar sin documentos a este estado. >>> esta es una ley...
Apr 19, 2010
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. >> alan garcÍa estÁ en el ojo del huracÁn nuevamente. >> un escÁndalo de corrupciÓn t.que contenÍan las computadoras fueron alteradas o cambiadas. la fiscalÍa y el poder judicial intercambian acusaciones por la responsabilidad de esta pÉrdida. >> creo que la criminalidad organizada tiende a desacreditar esta fiscalÍa para evitar que se siga investigando. >> las especies entregadas al poder judicial son las que el poder judicial tienen grano son las que fueron materia de la incautaciÓn. >> nadie se responsabiliza. por un lado se acusa a un alto jefe policial. >> yo rechazo eso. creo que estamos frente a un escÁndalo más grave. >> a este congresista el escÁndalo le recuerda los tiempos pasados. el escÁndalo saltÓ a la luz el aÑo pasado cuando una red de miembros de la marina en actividad y en retiro fue descubierta espiando a los protagonistas de millonarios contratos con el estado peruano. >> hay temas ocultos y mÁs implicados en el peor caso de corrupciÓn del gobierno de alan garcÍa. >> el volcÁn del sur de islandia continÚa arrojando cenizas sin humo. funcionarios del
. >> alan garcÍa estÁ en el ojo del huracÁn nuevamente. >> un escÁndalo de corrupciÓn t.que contenÍan las computadoras fueron alteradas o cambiadas. la fiscalÍa y el poder judicial intercambian acusaciones por la responsabilidad de esta pÉrdida. >> creo que la criminalidad organizada tiende a desacreditar esta fiscalÍa para evitar que se siga investigando. >> las especies entregadas al poder judicial son las que el poder judicial tienen grano son las que fueron...
Apr 13, 2010
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jaime garcÍa nos dice cÓmo reaccionaron algunos creyentes catÓlicos. >> en medio de la creciente sombras, por primera vez el vaticano dejÓ en claro que los obispos y lÍderes catÓlicos tienen que cumplir con las leyes civiles y reportar a la polÍa locasos de abuso. >> ya no hay pretexto para no avisar a las autoridades. >> en la Última dÉcada la iglesia catÓlica ha sido sujeto de acusaciones por encubrir a sacerdotes pederastas. >> para la ley, para la sociedad, eso es un crimen que debe ser castigado, en ese sentido ahora, yo pienso que con esta declaraciÓn se abre mÁs el camino. >> necesita ser juzgado como cualquier otro, ya no cree una la iglesia. >> la red de sobrevivientes, seÑalÓ que si el vaticano quisiera cambiar serÍa mÁs efectivo despedir a los obispos que pusieron en peligro los niÑos permitiÉndonos abusos y escondiendo los delitos. >> le irÍa mejor si dijeran la verdad. >> algunos comentaristas seÑalaban que la figura del papa comenzaba debilitarse. >> por un lado la presiÓn pÚblica y por otro lado de la presiÓn moral. yo no puedo juzgar las intenciones del papa, pero si pue
jaime garcÍa nos dice cÓmo reaccionaron algunos creyentes catÓlicos. >> en medio de la creciente sombras, por primera vez el vaticano dejÓ en claro que los obispos y lÍderes catÓlicos tienen que cumplir con las leyes civiles y reportar a la polÍa locasos de abuso. >> ya no hay pretexto para no avisar a las autoridades. >> en la Última dÉcada la iglesia catÓlica ha sido sujeto de acusaciones por encubrir a sacerdotes pederastas. >> para la ley, para la sociedad,...
Apr 22, 2010
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como nos dice jaime garcÍa desde phoenix algunos aplauden la medida. >> las lÁgrimas en los ojos de reinatantes efectos de la huelga de hambre que iniciÓ el domingo pasado. >> de esta forma voy a tener que traer mi carne, soy udadana americana. >>iv-ultima hoh@unh@áánot univ- detengan. >> tenemos que verificar muy bien y tener mucho cuidado por eso no quiero que el pÚblico se venga a asustar. >> h@áánot univ-ultima hoh@depa h@áánot univ-ultima hoh@expresÓ detener el servicio de llamadas. >> tenemos 900 aguas y los entrenados univ-ua hounivisioh@ seÑalÓ el vocero de la oficina de gobierno donde se han recibido miles de llamadas a favor y en contra de la iniciativa. >> estÁ reconociendo de que ahorita tenemos 11 1000 llamadas en contra y sÓlo 1000 a favor, esunh@áánot univ-ultim en contra de la iniciativa se estÁ realizando en este banco telefÓnico, en el que h@áánot univ-ultima hoh@estÁ ll todos los hispanos registrado-u que llamen a la oficina de la gobernadora para expresarle su oposiciÓn a la medida. phoenix arizona jaime garcÍa, univisiÓn. >> la puesta en prÁctica depende de la decisiÓ
como nos dice jaime garcÍa desde phoenix algunos aplauden la medida. >> las lÁgrimas en los ojos de reinatantes efectos de la huelga de hambre que iniciÓ el domingo pasado. >> de esta forma voy a tener que traer mi carne, soy udadana americana. >>iv-ultima hoh@unh@áánot univ- detengan. >> tenemos que verificar muy bien y tener mucho cuidado por eso no quiero que el pÚblico se venga a asustar. >> h@áánot univ-ultima hoh@depa h@áánot univ-ultima...
Apr 27, 2010
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jaime garcÍa, univisiÓn. >> los jÓvenes estÁn surgiendo como protagonistas contra la ley de arizona,n algunos y Éste es su reportaje. >> de 27 aÑos estudia en la universal en zona , su madre es indocumentada, ambos llevaron al capitolio para repartir volantes. >> si lo llegan a agarrar experiencias para no a mi familia. es algo muy...feo. >> el jueves y viernes cuando vimos la reacciÓn de los estudiantes, es el empiezo de este movimiento. >> nadie entiende mejor la realidad de las leyes que juan meza, un estudiante de preparatoria de 16 aÑos, Él y su madre llegaron a arizona huyendo de un padre abusador, ahora viven en las sombras debido a su estatus. >> tienes el miedo de no saber lo que va a pasar. muchas cosas... >> juan estudia por la maÑana y por la tarde toma un autobÚs hasta la estaciÓn de radio, al igual que cientos de alumnos el pasado viernes dejÓ atrÁs sus actividades para marchar hacia el capitolio en protesta a la medida. >> tenemos muchÍsimo miedo de un dÍa no estar de no poder graduarme, de no poder ir al colegio, de realizar mis sueÑos. todos nuestros sueÑos. >> para
jaime garcÍa, univisiÓn. >> los jÓvenes estÁn surgiendo como protagonistas contra la ley de arizona,n algunos y Éste es su reportaje. >> de 27 aÑos estudia en la universal en zona , su madre es indocumentada, ambos llevaron al capitolio para repartir volantes. >> si lo llegan a agarrar experiencias para no a mi familia. es algo muy...feo. >> el jueves y viernes cuando vimos la reacciÓn de los estudiantes, es el empiezo de este movimiento. >> nadie entiende...
Apr 10, 2010
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el vicepresidente alvaro garcÍa anunciÓ la compra de un avión francÉs para uso exclusivo de la presidenciamergencia epidemiolÓgica. >> al menos once personas murieron y 18 resultaron heridas al caer un autobus en el mar. sucediÓ en venezuela. el autobus tratÓ de evitar un automÓvil que se cruzó en su carril, residentes del lugar y socorristas ayudaron a sacar a las personas del agua. >> anunciada compra de armas de venezuela a rusia, a esto el presidente hugo chÁvez, respondiÓ con insultos. matizó la gira del enviado estadounidense por la regiÓn. >> el secretario adjunto de sasuntos hemisfÉricos del departamento de estado de los estados unidos terminÓ una gira por latinoamÉrica en el perÚ y se reuniÓ hoy con alan garcÍa al partir. pero no quiso contestar a los nuevos insultos de hugo chÁvez cuando criticÓ su masiva compra de armas. >> no sean estÚpidos, yankees. nosotros sÍ nos estamos equipando! >> estamos obviamente preocupados por discursos agresivos y ese tipo de cosas y volviendo al tema que planteamos anteriormente, tambiÉn estamos preocupados por... militarismos excesivos y compras
el vicepresidente alvaro garcÍa anunciÓ la compra de un avión francÉs para uso exclusivo de la presidenciamergencia epidemiolÓgica. >> al menos once personas murieron y 18 resultaron heridas al caer un autobus en el mar. sucediÓ en venezuela. el autobus tratÓ de evitar un automÓvil que se cruzó en su carril, residentes del lugar y socorristas ayudaron a sacar a las personas del agua. >> anunciada compra de armas de venezuela a rusia, a esto el presidente hugo chÁvez,...
Apr 12, 2010
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. >> a 19-year-old britney garcia has been charged with setting the fire. it happened on liberty heights avenue last wednesday night. city police say garcia was arguing with sean johnson a resident of the apartment who is the father of her child. according to police, garcia threatened to kill johnson and soon after smoke began pouring from that apartment. a firefighter was forced to jump out of the building while battling the blaze. >> thank you, mary. two other tenants were also transported to the hospital but were treated and released. >>> the parents of a crawford teenager who died after an attack on his bicycle are planning a lawsuit. in a new lawsuit, jones parents seek $200,000 from the convicted teen in his case. he was bullied by gang members at school. >>> the final day of the legislative session is packed with emotion as the mother of a slain salisbury girl appealed to lawmakers to better protect maryland's children. political reporter pat warren explains, the legislature is working its way through dozens of bills. >> reporter: and that sex offend
. >> a 19-year-old britney garcia has been charged with setting the fire. it happened on liberty heights avenue last wednesday night. city police say garcia was arguing with sean johnson a resident of the apartment who is the father of her child. according to police, garcia threatened to kill johnson and soon after smoke began pouring from that apartment. a firefighter was forced to jump out of the building while battling the blaze. >> thank you, mary. two other tenants were also...
Apr 3, 2010
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[inaudible conversations] >> " >> malcolm garcia, what is "the khaarijee"? >> it literally means the man that comes from outside. with the transmitter and the book would call me. he had difficulty pronouncing my name. >> where were you? >> kabul, afghanistan. >> why? >> i went there shortly after november 11th. i was working at the kansas city star. the editors needed people to go overseas. i've volunteered. i have not worked overseas. i saw it as an opportunity. >> what were you writing about before you went over there? >> daily stories, feature stories, anything from dog of the week to local news. so afghanistan was certainly quite a jump. >> how did that decision change your life? >> well, you know, i did not even know where afghanistan was to be candid. it gave me a perspective. across the globe outside of my day-to-day 9-5 existence. seeing a culture just radically different from my on in a country that experienced 30 years of warfare. just been devastated. a kind of devastation i had only seen in photographs of world war two and pictures of europe afte
[inaudible conversations] >> " >> malcolm garcia, what is "the khaarijee"? >> it literally means the man that comes from outside. with the transmitter and the book would call me. he had difficulty pronouncing my name. >> where were you? >> kabul, afghanistan. >> why? >> i went there shortly after november 11th. i was working at the kansas city star. the editors needed people to go overseas. i've volunteered. i have not worked overseas. i...
Apr 8, 2010
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>>el partido nacionalista peruano oficializÓ hoy un pedido en el congreso para que garcÍa fuera destituido de una niÑa en mÉxico. en una reunÓn, en el cine y hasta en la iglesia...! ya la gente lo hace cÁndo quiere y delante de quien sea hablamos del texto teleÓnic¡sepa cÁndo y Ómo es apropiado...! adeÁ s... ¿cree usted qÉ su marido esÁ metido en el closet? le diremos las razones para sospechar si su esposo ¡tiene novio y Áya a una entrevista de trabajo y regrese empleado! enÉrese de los diez puntos que busca en usted su pÓximo patrn, aqui en despierta america ... les saluda ilia calderon. esta tarde, en primer impacto. en la cárcel podría terminar un ex-boxeador, que mató a golpes a los hijos de su novia, porque no lo dejaban dormir!! vamos a una convención de mujeres maduras, exitosas..y ávidas de aventuras amorosas con jovencitos!! si quiere regenerar su piel, le mostramos un procedimiento que ayuda a prevenir la cirugía!! tenemos un avance de los estrenos de la semana en la pantalla grande!! # >>la cadena mexicana televisa transmitiÓ una entrevista con la madre de la niÑa hallada muert
>>el partido nacionalista peruano oficializÓ hoy un pedido en el congreso para que garcÍa fuera destituido de una niÑa en mÉxico. en una reunÓn, en el cine y hasta en la iglesia...! ya la gente lo hace cÁndo quiere y delante de quien sea hablamos del texto teleÓnic¡sepa cÁndo y Ómo es apropiado...! adeÁ s... ¿cree usted qÉ su marido esÁ metido en el closet? le diremos las razones para sospechar si su esposo ¡tiene novio y Áya a una entrevista de trabajo y regrese empleado!...
Apr 23, 2010
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vamos con jaime garcía. >>> buenas tardes, y pocas personas pudieron adivinar hace 4 meses las implicacionesl país de esta ley cuando fue presentada a la legislatura, pero la gobernadora hizo lo que consideró lo más importante, y será difícil que el temor que provocó era reparado ya. ♪ >>> se acabó la espera, y la gobernadora aprobó la primera ley estatal que hace un delito criminar entrar sin documentos a este estado. >>> esta es una ley contra el crimen que protege a los ciudadanos, y asegurando que el requisito de pedir papeles no violiará los derechos civiles. y en las afueras del capitolio hubo reacción a la medida. >>> todos debemos permanecer en calma dijo el alcalde de phoenix quienes expreso su confianza en que la corte detendrá ya esta ley. >>> sin más recursos que la intervención divina de verd dec personas rezaron hasta el último momento, evitar que la gobernadora convirtiera en ley. >>> haciendo el grito de batalla, decenas de estudiantes marcharon por las calles, uniendose con miles más. >>> no queremos que pase esto aquí. esto es una discriminación. >>> arizona se va a ir para
vamos con jaime garcía. >>> buenas tardes, y pocas personas pudieron adivinar hace 4 meses las implicacionesl país de esta ley cuando fue presentada a la legislatura, pero la gobernadora hizo lo que consideró lo más importante, y será difícil que el temor que provocó era reparado ya. ♪ >>> se acabó la espera, y la gobernadora aprobó la primera ley estatal que hace un delito criminar entrar sin documentos a este estado. >>> esta es una ley contra el crimen...
Apr 19, 2010
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para compartir mejor información y no de la trató de esconder los defectos en los Ángeles, jaime garcíarugada de este martes >>> gracias por estar con s nosotros. buenas noches. en prestigiosa
para compartir mejor información y no de la trató de esconder los defectos en los Ángeles, jaime garcíarugada de este martes >>> gracias por estar con s nosotros. buenas noches. en prestigiosa
Apr 3, 2010
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en los angeles jaime garcÍa,univision. >> un agente fronterizo disparÓ, el individuo y otros mÁs transportabaneros a ser -reunieron con diversas autoridades federales para mayor seguridad. el ranchero fue asesinado por un sujeto vinculado a un casos de narcotrÁfico. las autoridades estÁn en alerta por una gran amenaza enviada a decenas de gobernadores del paÍs, les exigen que presenten sus renuncias. las autoridades habÍan tomado con menor cautela la amenaza, como nos explica lourdes. >> 30 gobernadores han recibido cartas para que dejen el puesto en 30 dÍas. uno de los que recibiÓ la amenaza fue el gobernador. >> no puedo darme el lujo de detener lo que estoy haciendo, la policÍa estatal y mi seguridad personal son muy profesionales. en la primera vez que recibo amenazas. >> segÚn ha trascendido un grupo guardianes de la repÚblicas libres tiene un plan para restaurar estados unidos, mediante el desmantelamiento pacÍfico. >> tenemos nuestros propios enemigos, no tienen nada que ver con la presencia del individuo, son las ideologÍas. >> el fbi no ha querido dar detalles. miramos estas cosas par
en los angeles jaime garcÍa,univision. >> un agente fronterizo disparÓ, el individuo y otros mÁs transportabaneros a ser -reunieron con diversas autoridades federales para mayor seguridad. el ranchero fue asesinado por un sujeto vinculado a un casos de narcotrÁfico. las autoridades estÁn en alerta por una gran amenaza enviada a decenas de gobernadores del paÍs, les exigen que presenten sus renuncias. las autoridades habÍan tomado con menor cautela la amenaza, como nos explica...
Apr 20, 2010
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en los Ángeles, jaime garcÍa. >> autoridades de aviaciÓn tienen previsto de reanudar los vuelos de buenamujer de 68. la cifra de muertos ya supera los 2000. un anciano no se deja amedrentar de un ladrÓn armado y se le enfrenta con bate de bÉisbol. le diremos que pasÓ con este hombre estuvo atrapado en una >> cÁmaras de vigilancia dentro de una tienda captaron los momentos en que un valiente y arriesgado anciano pudo evitar el robo de un negocio. nadie resultÓ lesionado, aunque nadie recomienda enfrentarse asi. un feliz paseo en coche, por poco termina en tragedia. equipos de emergencia lograron rescatar a un trabajador que quedÓ atrapado en un enorme torre de televisiÓn, el hombre solamente se fracturÓ su tobillo y tuvo que ser llevado al hospital, en la torre. nos vamos a boston, se corriÓ la famosa maratÓn, el ganador fue el keniano, quien impuso un nuevo rÉcord. el atleta superÓ a 26.000 corredores. felicidades. muchÍsimas gracias por haber estado con nosotros, recuerde que para mantenerse bien informado puede conectarse a univisiÓn. com, y amanecer con las noticias frescas. gracias y
en los Ángeles, jaime garcÍa. >> autoridades de aviaciÓn tienen previsto de reanudar los vuelos de buenamujer de 68. la cifra de muertos ya supera los 2000. un anciano no se deja amedrentar de un ladrÓn armado y se le enfrenta con bate de bÉisbol. le diremos que pasÓ con este hombre estuvo atrapado en una >> cÁmaras de vigilancia dentro de una tienda captaron los momentos en que un valiente y arriesgado anciano pudo evitar el robo de un negocio. nadie resultÓ lesionado,...
Apr 13, 2010
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according to charging documents garcia screamed at her exsaying she was going to kill him. two other people were badly injured. >>> breaking news out of annapolis tonight, calling for harsher penalties for sex offenders. ty jackson explains. >> reporter: about 40 votes confirmed. the majority is declared past. >> reporter: with that vote on the last day of the session the maryland -- laws against sexual predators. it follows the high profile of 11-year-old sarah fox well on the east shore allegedly killed by a registered sex offender. >> based upon the heart break that folks felt on the eastern shore. i guess all felt that. >> i do pray that this, you know, they can see the light and they can see this is the best thing for our children. >> reporter: the 2010 maryland legislative session comes to a close, yet some feel politics kept it from. >> i think it's dishonest. we don't serve the long term structural deficit. >> reporter: maryland is still facing a structural deficit, yet martin o'malley says he's confidently fix the problem. >> we're going to continue to make cuts un
according to charging documents garcia screamed at her exsaying she was going to kill him. two other people were badly injured. >>> breaking news out of annapolis tonight, calling for harsher penalties for sex offenders. ty jackson explains. >> reporter: about 40 votes confirmed. the majority is declared past. >> reporter: with that vote on the last day of the session the maryland -- laws against sexual predators. it follows the high profile of 11-year-old sarah fox well on...
Apr 23, 2010
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august 30th for right-handed pitcher luis garcia. >> rob: he played so well, he ended up starting inf all-star 2nd baseman, which prompted orlando to get out of l.a. >> bob: then they resigned ronnie to a free agent contract. not a guy you want to walk. belliard and guzman up the middle. you make a mistake, he'll make you pay. even if you're randy johnson. >> rob: looks like he was looking breaking ball. i was told by his teammates here that ronnie is always looking for a ball, middle of the plate, in. if you throw anything away, he says this is his words, not mine, that he's not going to have a chance. he's looking middle in all the time. >> bob: dewitt, the 2nd baseman, is on a six-game hitting streak. >> rob: we both watched him last year. he could still hit. he was madman in batting practice. >> bob: safe at 1st. kennedy, a very good turn. ball just hit too slowly. >> rob: yes. it hits, dies in the grass. cristian charges it. great feed, great turn by kennedy. sometimes with a lefty at the plate, or a guy that's pretty fast, it's difficult to turn that over because the speed of t
august 30th for right-handed pitcher luis garcia. >> rob: he played so well, he ended up starting inf all-star 2nd baseman, which prompted orlando to get out of l.a. >> bob: then they resigned ronnie to a free agent contract. not a guy you want to walk. belliard and guzman up the middle. you make a mistake, he'll make you pay. even if you're randy johnson. >> rob: looks like he was looking breaking ball. i was told by his teammates here that ronnie is always looking for a...
Apr 14, 2010
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court documents indicate 19-year-old brittany garcia set fire to an apartment after fighting with her ex-boyfriend. one firefighter hurt is in stable condition tonight. >> eight firefighters are injured when two fire trucks suddenly collide on the way to a house fire in west baltimore. it happened in north fulton and edmondson avenue after noon today. trucks headed to the 1200 block of mosher street. several people in the area heard the crash. >> when i came outside, i saw the fire truck on the curb, and saw the gentleman driving the other truck jump out and lay on the grounds. >> hurry up and ran up here. two fire trucks collided. i was glad everything is all right out here, man. >> the firefighters injuries were not life threatening. one firefighter still remains in the hospital tonight. >> hopefully we will have clearer skies for tomorrow. after today. chief meteorologist vytas reid joins us with a first look at the sky watch forecast. hi vytas. >> no rainy conditions through much of the afternoon and evening. but the showers now have pushed off south. and we will get breaks in the
court documents indicate 19-year-old brittany garcia set fire to an apartment after fighting with her ex-boyfriend. one firefighter hurt is in stable condition tonight. >> eight firefighters are injured when two fire trucks suddenly collide on the way to a house fire in west baltimore. it happened in north fulton and edmondson avenue after noon today. trucks headed to the 1200 block of mosher street. several people in the area heard the crash. >> when i came outside, i saw the fire...
Apr 23, 2010
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garcia is one of the best players in the world never to have won a major. it finishes the first round eight shots back. >> may be because is earth day he wanted it to want to make sure. we have a look ♪ is that your new car ? uh... yeah ? cool. thanks. i knew i wanted a subaru legacy. i went back and forth on the hood scoop... but i'm glad i went for it. the subaru legacy. feel the love. >> pretty nice stuff. the weekend looks a little dicey but tomorrow is a beautiful- looking friday. sunshine and a few clouds mixed in. on saturday, the best chance for rain looks like it will be later in the evening going deeper into saturday night. maybe even some thunderstorms on sunday. if we are lucky we get most of saturday without a brain. it is a slower-moving storm so the chance of showers will interests into the middle of next week. -- it will reimburse -- lingers into the middle of next week. >> it depends where you are. if you would like to see this again we have it on wbal. "the tonight show"is next. thank you for joining us. it's oth
garcia is one of the best players in the world never to have won a major. it finishes the first round eight shots back. >> may be because is earth day he wanted it to want to make sure. we have a look ♪ is that your new car ? uh... yeah ? cool. thanks. i knew i wanted a subaru legacy. i went back and forth on the hood scoop... but i'm glad i went for it. the subaru legacy. feel the love. >> pretty nice stuff. the weekend looks a little dicey but tomorrow is a beautiful- looking...
Apr 3, 2010
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. >> mountain garcia, is chronicle of friendship and the war in cobble. >> the atlantic monthly contributing editor myers takes a look at north korean society and the domestic propaganda of to which its citizens are
. >> mountain garcia, is chronicle of friendship and the war in cobble. >> the atlantic monthly contributing editor myers takes a look at north korean society and the domestic propaganda of to which its citizens are
WHUT (Howard University Television)
Apr 1, 2010
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island's original inhabitants forcibly removed 40 years ago to make room for a military base at diego garcia have reacted angrily and say they will be -- be unable to make a living through fishing if they're allowed to return. tourists have returned to much of piccau, the first time in two months. navy rains and landslides destroyed railway access to the archeological treasure. it was suggested the country was losing $1 million in tourist revenues each day it was closed. the 15th century inca ruin is the most visited site in latin america. it may well be the biggest process of its kind in human history. it is certainly another significant step to india becoming a global economic force. a new census for fingerprint and photograph everyone aged over 15. this is to create a national data base. it's india's 15th census but it is the first to contain a biometric element. soon it will be clear exactly how the world's biggest democracy is evolving. from deli, -- from dehli. >> the indian president, prahibha patil, the first of 1.2 billion indians to be recorded in the latest census. it's an exercis
island's original inhabitants forcibly removed 40 years ago to make room for a military base at diego garcia have reacted angrily and say they will be -- be unable to make a living through fishing if they're allowed to return. tourists have returned to much of piccau, the first time in two months. navy rains and landslides destroyed railway access to the archeological treasure. it was suggested the country was losing $1 million in tourist revenues each day it was closed. the 15th century inca...
Apr 10, 2010
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[ mÚsica ] >> esta es la casa que marÍa garcÍa comprÓ hace 7 aÑos y ahora teme perder. principio de una pelea que todas las familias deberÍan dar. >> ahÍ arranca la demanda y en teorÍa usted tiene 20 días para contestar la demanda, quÉ significa contestar la demanda? significa contestarle al juzgado y a la contraparte por quÉ usted no debe perder el caso. a su juicio las familias deben buscar asesorÍa antes de dar cualquier paso. >> un abogado profesional en esa rama en el cual puede defender los derechos y buscar potenciales cosas que lo pueden ayudar a usted en negociar la demanda o en el peor evento alargar el proceso. >> estirar el proceso sirve para que las familias no queden desprotegidas y en la calle. >> puede ser un beneficio para ti porque te da la oportunidad de negociar con el banco y el banco no se quiere quedar con la propiedad, te da la oportunidad de vender la propiedad y no quedarte con un remate hipotecario sino que la vendes. y las leyes de banca rota que te beneficien a ti y en el precio actual de la casa y no el que es de la casa y quÉ tal que salga
[ mÚsica ] >> esta es la casa que marÍa garcÍa comprÓ hace 7 aÑos y ahora teme perder. principio de una pelea que todas las familias deberÍan dar. >> ahÍ arranca la demanda y en teorÍa usted tiene 20 días para contestar la demanda, quÉ significa contestar la demanda? significa contestarle al juzgado y a la contraparte por quÉ usted no debe perder el caso. a su juicio las familias deben buscar asesorÍa antes de dar cualquier paso. >> un abogado profesional en esa...
Apr 7, 2010
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noticiero veremos por qué el principal partido opositor de perú propuso destituir al presidente alan garcía pueden hacer para cumplir esta obligo,sino tienen dinero >> hay síntomas de re activación económica, la finanzas de muchos aun no son, sólida y ahora que hay que pagar impuestos, enfrentan serias dificultades >> es necesario, presentar los impuestos antes del 15 de abril. y comunicarle al servicio de rentas internas que no cuenta con el dinero para pagar en este momento. >>> si necesita ayuda porque tiene deuda. tiene problemas quizás serios en su casa, perdió su trabajo, o han habido más problemas financieros lo más importante es poner comida en la mesa de su familia queremos a asegurarle, hay manera como resolver el asunto. >>> ofrece varias opciones, aplazar el pago de la deuda, o establecer un plan o arreglo de pagos, en ambos casos pagará intereses pero no pagará multas >> sino puede pagar todo mande lo que pueda si necesitas un plan de pagos, pida un plan de pagos, y le vamos ayudar con esto lo peor es dejarlo ahí en la mesa, o tratar de olvidarlo porque, tarde o temprano, va a
noticiero veremos por qué el principal partido opositor de perú propuso destituir al presidente alan garcía pueden hacer para cumplir esta obligo,sino tienen dinero >> hay síntomas de re activación económica, la finanzas de muchos aun no son, sólida y ahora que hay que pagar impuestos, enfrentan serias dificultades >> es necesario, presentar los impuestos antes del 15 de abril. y comunicarle al servicio de rentas internas que no cuenta con el dinero para pagar en este...
Apr 22, 2010
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. >> jennifer rodriguez garcia may say she can go without texting. but she, like one third of all teens sends out 100 text messages a day. >> you can almost type-text faster than you can speak? >> a new study found 88% of teen cell phone users text. and 77% say it's not always appropriate. >> the studies show teens text more than they e-mail. talk on websites like facebook. talk on the cell phone. they text even more than they talk face to face. >> it's one thing if they're just texting to make plans. it's another if that's their entire relationship with somebody. that part is not healthy. >> parenting says it may not be as important as the content in your message. >> have the child show you the text. you're still the apparent. it's still important for you to ask your child, what are you doing? >> reporter: the study found many parents are doing their homework. 64% monitor this. but mothers like terry singales. >> i had to learn to text myself in order to get them to even respond to me. >> reporter: whit johnson, wjz eyewitness news. >> the study als
. >> jennifer rodriguez garcia may say she can go without texting. but she, like one third of all teens sends out 100 text messages a day. >> you can almost type-text faster than you can speak? >> a new study found 88% of teen cell phone users text. and 77% say it's not always appropriate. >> the studies show teens text more than they e-mail. talk on websites like facebook. talk on the cell phone. they text even more than they talk face to face. >> it's one thing...
Apr 20, 2010
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ssp, the secretary of public safety and garcia leni i think is a very positive step and one that willovertime began to produce dividends. secretary napolitano as well as secretary morton and myself have been to the headquarters in mexico city which in a climate and technological sciences is an president indicates the commitment that has been made fiscally to build up a federal law enforcement presence. the plan is to move toward 20,000 federal police and what we have seen recently in juarez was the decision that recognized while the military because the lack of local law enforcement of a role to play dealing with organized crime that in fact the long-term solution was to substitute of military presence with law enforcement presence and that is beginning to happen in four areas in which the primary enforcement duties are being transitioned to secretary garcia with the military remaining but in a protective stance and i believe that is the way ahead the will show significant improvement in fun near term as well as over the longer term. -- your assessment is that is number one on the mar
ssp, the secretary of public safety and garcia leni i think is a very positive step and one that willovertime began to produce dividends. secretary napolitano as well as secretary morton and myself have been to the headquarters in mexico city which in a climate and technological sciences is an president indicates the commitment that has been made fiscally to build up a federal law enforcement presence. the plan is to move toward 20,000 federal police and what we have seen recently in juarez was...
Apr 24, 2010
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idol castoff andrew garcia and katie stevens stopped by the web show for dinner and gave some advice the struggling artists. >> the best advice i could give them is to not forget what they're working for and to just be themselves. >> how to handle the crowds, how to handle critiques and how to perform in front of the big stage and in front of millions. >> there's always the one part in it which nobody really wants to see and hear. >> reporter: why not learn how to take criticism from the very best. >> if you can survive through simon cowell, then i'm pretty sure they're set for life right now. >> reporter: house mate justin has been on idol performing with brook. he says they should take cowell's comments to heart. >> simon definitely gets it right. i think 9.9 times out of 10 i think he's always pretty much spot on. >> reporter: what is it like having the eyes of the world on you 24/7? >> i actually like it. it keeps me on my toes. people need to see the inside of what it takes to make it in hollywood. >> reporter: but it may be nothing compared to simon watching your every move. >>
idol castoff andrew garcia and katie stevens stopped by the web show for dinner and gave some advice the struggling artists. >> the best advice i could give them is to not forget what they're working for and to just be themselves. >> how to handle the crowds, how to handle critiques and how to perform in front of the big stage and in front of millions. >> there's always the one part in it which nobody really wants to see and hear. >> reporter: why not learn how to take...
Apr 18, 2010
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malcolm garcia, his book is "the khaarijee" a chronicle of friendship and war in kabul. >> welcome toooktv's coverage of the 2010 annapolis book festival. we'll begin with the panel and global security moderated via benjamin wittes is senior fellow at the brookings institution that include shane harris author of the watchers, the american surveillance state. pw singer author of wired for war and bruce rydell author of the search for al qaeda. the second panel which starts in about an hour and 15 minutes is on the world's water and features are kurlansky author of fight for the day and orrin pilkey professor emeritus of the nicholas school of the environment at duke university and author of the rising sea. starting a 2:for guy that look at the financial market with william cohen author of house of cards a tale of hubris and wretched excess on wall street. finally, a look at the new america foundation's barry lynn and his book, cornered the new monopoly and the economics of destruction. >> we are going to get started. can people hear me okay? thanks for joining us. it is a wonderful thi
malcolm garcia, his book is "the khaarijee" a chronicle of friendship and war in kabul. >> welcome toooktv's coverage of the 2010 annapolis book festival. we'll begin with the panel and global security moderated via benjamin wittes is senior fellow at the brookings institution that include shane harris author of the watchers, the american surveillance state. pw singer author of wired for war and bruce rydell author of the search for al qaeda. the second panel which starts in...
Apr 14, 2010
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leaves behind grandparents, two sisters, one brother, grarnd parents rick and beverly, juan garcia schillmerican hero. thanks to our guests and especially to you for being with us. see you tomorrow night 8:00 sharp eastern and i pray that at that time we have news of little hayleigh. good night, friend.
leaves behind grandparents, two sisters, one brother, grarnd parents rick and beverly, juan garcia schillmerican hero. thanks to our guests and especially to you for being with us. see you tomorrow night 8:00 sharp eastern and i pray that at that time we have news of little hayleigh. good night, friend.
Apr 20, 2010
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wigginton, mora, garcia or sirhan? >> jim: it was not garcia, way think it might have been sirhan. >> gary: i'll take mora. >> jim: it's one of those 2. that was the guess. a complete guess. i never want anyone to think i know this. i don't. i prove it day after day. >> gary: and that is going to be taken inside. the 1-0 down, 2 down. >> jim: it is raining? >> they scheduled rain for tomorrow. maybe coming in tonight. i know it will get cooler. >> gary: bradley had a double and rbi, has grounded out. bradly with a runner at second base. a lead-off single and error. they have not moved him around. >> jim: we should ask ken griffey, jr., his dad told him your knees let you know when rain is 4 hours away. now our weatherman, junior. >> gary: 1-1 on the way. that is high and had zip on it. bradley turns away from that pitch. berken with the 2-1 down and 2 down. most of these hitters have not seen berken only a couple to ballclub have ever faced berken. 2-1 delivery. off speed. high and the count will go to 2- 1 on bradley.
wigginton, mora, garcia or sirhan? >> jim: it was not garcia, way think it might have been sirhan. >> gary: i'll take mora. >> jim: it's one of those 2. that was the guess. a complete guess. i never want anyone to think i know this. i don't. i prove it day after day. >> gary: and that is going to be taken inside. the 1-0 down, 2 down. >> jim: it is raining? >> they scheduled rain for tomorrow. maybe coming in tonight. i know it will get cooler. >> gary:...
Apr 22, 2010
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garcia with tremendous years coming over in the johnson trade from houston. and john. >> gary: 2-2 count from hernandez. the orioles just have not had the offensive chances in the game tonight. in the air, right field, hit it hard, back and near the warning track. the catch made by ichiro. two down. >> jim: he took one look after two strikes to see where the wall was, and it's just a matter of running under it. >> gary: felix hernandez is one out away from the complete one- game win. millwood would take the loss is be one of three. >> jim: wasn't that remind you of roy holliday to ran his season with the rockies today? >> gary: a younger version. 1-0 count. that is a single. one of three in the ball game. >> jim: this is the point of the game, gary, where the fans at safeco safeco -- at safeco are on their feet. you to pitch under control. that's what you did tonight. >> gary: two runs on five hits in the first game. and lost 8-2. last night the fierce hits on the season, four in a 3-1 loss, and tonight only one run again. that one in the air to center field,
garcia with tremendous years coming over in the johnson trade from houston. and john. >> gary: 2-2 count from hernandez. the orioles just have not had the offensive chances in the game tonight. in the air, right field, hit it hard, back and near the warning track. the catch made by ichiro. two down. >> jim: he took one look after two strikes to see where the wall was, and it's just a matter of running under it. >> gary: felix hernandez is one out away from the complete one-...
Apr 7, 2010
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caller: i have a friend whose name is yamo garcia. he lives down the street from me. his family gets mail from a p.o. box, so he can i get an actual census form. of is this affect populations getting the mail that way? guest: that is a good question. in this case i recommend that the individual call the census bureau. there you can request a form in spanish. beginning monday, april 12, you can complete the form over the phone through an interview. 866-928-2010. beginning next monday, to get a form or complete it by telephone. host: so, there's no way to track it for a p.o. box? so for those, they will not get counted? guest: they will because of personal go door to door if a form is not returned. host: california is next on the independent line. caller: good morning. i just wanted to follow up with the previous gentleman talking about the japanese internment. yes, that was very true that it happened. i have no doubt that it will happen again. truth be told, we got into the current wars in the middle east right now -- that is not constitutional because it did not go th
caller: i have a friend whose name is yamo garcia. he lives down the street from me. his family gets mail from a p.o. box, so he can i get an actual census form. of is this affect populations getting the mail that way? guest: that is a good question. in this case i recommend that the individual call the census bureau. there you can request a form in spanish. beginning monday, april 12, you can complete the form over the phone through an interview. 866-928-2010. beginning next monday, to get a...
Apr 1, 2010
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elvia garcÍa. muchas amistades. >> quÉ rico! >> dice asÍ!a ] [ aplausos ] [risas] ah! uh! [ aplausos ] >> capufa. >> vamos a hacer una pausa pero al regresar con los deportes veremos lo que pasÓ ayer en las semifinales de la concachampion. entre pumas y la mÁquina cementera de cruz azul. >> arsenal en sus manos. los muchachos de guardiola no pudieron cerrar el negocio. [ mÚsica ] (anunciador) para un arroz perfecto, necesitas una taza de arroz, aceite y caldo de pollo knorr. aÑade aqua, y ese gran sabor de knorr... mmm, (anunciador) que a todos les encata. arroz de bueno a buenÍsimo con knorr. afortunadamente, expertos en ecologÍ cuentan con dawn,... fuerte contra la grasa, y delicado con su piel. asi vuelve, a estar protegido. dawn, todo el poder corta grasa al rescate de lo mÁs delicado. [ mÚsica ] >> ole, ole, ole. >> y dice. >> ole, ole, ole. >> ole, ole. ole. >> ah! uh! >> compadre, deportes! >> deportes! despierta amÉrica! [risas] >> anda! comenzamos con nuestro dato mundialista del dÍa de hoy despierta al mundial. (en pantalla) las pr
elvia garcÍa. muchas amistades. >> quÉ rico! >> dice asÍ!a ] [ aplausos ] [risas] ah! uh! [ aplausos ] >> capufa. >> vamos a hacer una pausa pero al regresar con los deportes veremos lo que pasÓ ayer en las semifinales de la concachampion. entre pumas y la mÁquina cementera de cruz azul. >> arsenal en sus manos. los muchachos de guardiola no pudieron cerrar el negocio. [ mÚsica ] (anunciador) para un arroz perfecto, necesitas una taza de arroz, aceite y caldo...
Apr 9, 2010
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hablando de cocina porque como cada viernes hoy nos acompaÑa la chef de nestle, nuestra amiga lorena garcÍagÚn tipo de superficie con la espuma, tenemos unas copas de coctel, de vino, las que ustedes tengan en sus casas y vamos a rellenar la copa con esta mezcla y la vamos a llevar a la nevera por aproximadamente 4 horas hasta que quede bien coajado. 6 a 8 onzas por copas. y lo decoramos con un poco de crema batido, en una bolsa de plÁstico, >> esto lo hiciste en cuÁntos minutos? >> nada! la pÁgina de nosotros, cocinando con nestlÉ. com para todas las recetas de aquÍ de cocinando. >> muchas gracias, nosotros hacemos una pequeÑa pausa y regresamos enseguida con mÁs de despierta amÉrica. muchachos vengan por su gelatina. [ mÚsica ] >> la hemos pasado super en la maÑana de hoy. >> gracias por haberme invitado. ojalÁ que cuando tengamos que componer mucha que sea con corridos. gracias a univisiÓn por haberme invitado. >> no sabe mucha gente que pasaste un buen rato por mi isla del encantao. >> del valle de rÍo grande bautizada boricua. me la pasÉ muy bien con ustedes. >> yo quiero mandar un bes
hablando de cocina porque como cada viernes hoy nos acompaÑa la chef de nestle, nuestra amiga lorena garcÍagÚn tipo de superficie con la espuma, tenemos unas copas de coctel, de vino, las que ustedes tengan en sus casas y vamos a rellenar la copa con esta mezcla y la vamos a llevar a la nevera por aproximadamente 4 horas hasta que quede bien coajado. 6 a 8 onzas por copas. y lo decoramos con un poco de crema batido, en una bolsa de plÁstico, >> esto lo hiciste en cuÁntos minutos?...
Apr 15, 2010
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hector garcia to the hispanic community and his remarkable efforts to combat racial and ethnic discrimination in the united states of america. the speaker pro tempore: the question is will -- the question is will the house suspend the rules and agree to the concurrent resolution. so many as are in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, 2/3 having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the concurrent resolution is agreed to and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid on the reconsider is laid on the table. the speaker pro tempore: would members please take your conversations outside of the conversations outside of the chamber? would members please take their conversations outside of the chamber? the speaker pro tempore: members and staff will please take their conversations outside of the chamber. the speaker pro tempore: members will please clear the aisles. members will please clear the members will please clear the well. the speaker pro tempore: members will please clear the aisle. would members please clear the would members please clear t
hector garcia to the hispanic community and his remarkable efforts to combat racial and ethnic discrimination in the united states of america. the speaker pro tempore: the question is will -- the question is will the house suspend the rules and agree to the concurrent resolution. so many as are in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, 2/3 having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the concurrent resolution is agreed to and without objection the motion...
Apr 22, 2010
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hector garcia to the hispanic community. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from california. mr. berman: mr. speaker, i rise in strong support of the ranking member's motion to instruct. the world faces no security threat greater than the prospect of a nuclear armed iran. i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. berman: we must make certain that the prospect never becomes a reality. a nuclear iran would menace, intimidate and ultimately dominate its neighbors. it would be virtually impervious from any type of pressure from the west, regardless of any support of terrorism or the question of freedom and human rights at home and would touch off a nuclear arms race in the middle east that would almost inevitably lead to can t.s.a. row free. and -- catastrophe. and worst of all, they may use its nuclear arms against those they see as enemies. iran quite possibly will be capable of developing and delivering a nuclear weapon in the next three to fi
hector garcia to the hispanic community. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from california. mr. berman: mr. speaker, i rise in strong support of the ranking member's motion to instruct. the world faces no security threat greater than the prospect of a nuclear armed iran. i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. berman: we must make certain that the prospect never becomes a reality. a nuclear iran would menace,...
Apr 21, 2010
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hector garcia to the hispanic community and his remarkable efforts to combat racial and ethnic discriminationin the united states of america. the presiding officer: without objection, the committee is discharged and the senate will proceed to consideration of the measure. mr. whitehouse: mr. president, i ask unanimous consent that the concurrent resolution be agreed to, the preamble be agreed to, the motions to reconsider be laid on the table with no intervening action or debate, and any statements related to the measure be placed in the record at the appropriate place as if read. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. whitehouse: mr. president, i ask unanimous consent that the foreign relations committee be discharged from further consideration and the senate now proceed to s. res. 483. the presiding officer: withoutk, congratulating the republic of serbia's application for european union membership and recognizing serbia's active efforts to integrate into europe and the global community. the presiding officer: without objection, the committee is discharged. the senate will froatd mea
hector garcia to the hispanic community and his remarkable efforts to combat racial and ethnic discriminationin the united states of america. the presiding officer: without objection, the committee is discharged and the senate will proceed to consideration of the measure. mr. whitehouse: mr. president, i ask unanimous consent that the concurrent resolution be agreed to, the preamble be agreed to, the motions to reconsider be laid on the table with no intervening action or debate, and any...
Apr 24, 2010
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garcia who i believe is at uc santa barbara has many books on significant chicano latino leaders ininhere's young scholars like maria garcia seeking refuge from mexico united states and canada [inaudible] wrote a great book called fluid workers picketed latino power against -- >> san jose, who have given us a lot to work with and we appreciate the names and appreciate the ideas. what are you reading? >> caller: transformation to reach activism by the brother and sister who are both scholars >> thanks for calling in. we are going to work our way back. we want to show you where the c-span's bus is. it's close to haines hall. as we walk through the center of the festival you can see it is a perfect california day here and that in just a few minutes the next panel is starting and that's called "a struggle for a better tomorrow richard rainer a break and better place is his book, miriam porth and struggle and chavez farm worker movement is one of the authors and not fit for the society immigration and nativism in america. those are the three authors that will be on that panel. the next cal
garcia who i believe is at uc santa barbara has many books on significant chicano latino leaders ininhere's young scholars like maria garcia seeking refuge from mexico united states and canada [inaudible] wrote a great book called fluid workers picketed latino power against -- >> san jose, who have given us a lot to work with and we appreciate the names and appreciate the ideas. what are you reading? >> caller: transformation to reach activism by the brother and sister who are both...
Apr 15, 2010
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beginning to happen in juarez which the primary enforcement duties are being transitioned to psychiatry garcia with the military remaining but in a protective stance, and i believe that is the way it will show significant improvement in the near term as well as over the longer term. >> your assessment is that this number 18 mark of increased capacity, greatly improved capacity on the part of the police and secondly that that is the optimum long-term pattern the military would remain in that supportive role but would not be the primary force. what return to the controlled substance pilot project that is an agreement between the mexican attorney general, i.c.e. and cdp that enables them, the mexicans to prosecute drug smuggling cases for whatever reasons those cases are declined by the u.s. attorney's office. there's a similar program for aliens smuggler prosecution on the oasis program. so assistant secretary bersin, you refer to the first to convictions from this new drug prosecution program. you don't make a reference to the prosecution's for alien smuggling. but can you tell about the impact
beginning to happen in juarez which the primary enforcement duties are being transitioned to psychiatry garcia with the military remaining but in a protective stance, and i believe that is the way it will show significant improvement in the near term as well as over the longer term. >> your assessment is that this number 18 mark of increased capacity, greatly improved capacity on the part of the police and secondly that that is the optimum long-term pattern the military would remain in...
Apr 23, 2010
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hector garcia to the hispanic community.air recognizes the gentleman from california. mr. berman: mr. speaker, i rise in strong support of the ranking member's motion to instruct. the world faces no security threat greater than the prospect of a nuclear armed iran. i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. berman: we must make certain that the prospect never becomes a reality. a nuclear iran would menace, intimidate and ultimately dominate its neighbors. it would be virtually impervious from any type of pressure from the west, regardless of any support of terrorism or the question of freedom and human rights at home and would touch off a nuclear arms race in the middle east that would almost inevitably lead to can t.s.a. row free. and -- catastrophe. and worst of all, they may use its nuclear arms against those they see as enemies. iran quite possibly will be capable of developing and delivering a nuclear weapon in the next three to five years. in our -- and our task
hector garcia to the hispanic community.air recognizes the gentleman from california. mr. berman: mr. speaker, i rise in strong support of the ranking member's motion to instruct. the world faces no security threat greater than the prospect of a nuclear armed iran. i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. berman: we must make certain that the prospect never becomes a reality. a nuclear iran would menace, intimidate and ultimately...
Apr 23, 2010
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hector garcia to the hispanic community. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from california. mr. berman: mr. speaker, i rise in strong support of the ranking member's motion to instruct. the world faces no security threat greater than the prospect of a nuclear armed iran. i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. berman: we must make certain that the prospect never becomes a reality. a nuclear iran would menace, intimidate and ultimately dominate its neighbors. it would be virtually impervious from any type of pressure from the west, regardless of any support of terrorism or the question of freedom and human rights at home and would touch off a nuclear arms race in the middle east that would almost inevitably lead to can t.s.a. row free. and -- catastrophe. and worst of all, they may use its nuclear arms against those they see as enemies. iran quite possibly will be capable of developing and delivering a nuclear weapon in the next three to fi
hector garcia to the hispanic community. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from california. mr. berman: mr. speaker, i rise in strong support of the ranking member's motion to instruct. the world faces no security threat greater than the prospect of a nuclear armed iran. i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. berman: we must make certain that the prospect never becomes a reality. a nuclear iran would menace,...
Apr 22, 2010
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the honorable octavio garcia-von borstel, mayor of the city of nogales. did i get that? >> you did, senator. >> more or less correct, thank you, good to see again. and sheriff larry dever, great to see you again share. i appreciate your patience as we went to vote. we will now begin with the u.s. attorney burke. >> mr. chairman, thank you very much. i have my lengthy comment i would like you said that for the record at i would like to focus my oral comments on what we're doing today and how it differs from the past. senator mccain, you reference a few times already that in the district of sector of tucson we can't is get over 1.3 million pounds of marijuana. >> can i interrupt you a second? interposiin your position as u.s. attorney maybe you can give us a few words as to your assessment of the situation, and then what you're doing. would you do that? >> sure. >> i would appreciate that. >> the assessment of the situation is from the hearing of the test of commissioner and the questions are here, i think the committee is right on point, that the individuals who are invol
the honorable octavio garcia-von borstel, mayor of the city of nogales. did i get that? >> you did, senator. >> more or less correct, thank you, good to see again. and sheriff larry dever, great to see you again share. i appreciate your patience as we went to vote. we will now begin with the u.s. attorney burke. >> mr. chairman, thank you very much. i have my lengthy comment i would like you said that for the record at i would like to focus my oral comments on what we're doing...
Apr 30, 2010
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santana garcia and several others that are there are federal precedents and local law enforcement implicitly has the authority to enforce immigration law. regardless of whether it's a 287-g agreement, local law enforcement has the authority to enforce immigration law and there's a federal law that prohibits sanctuary cities and it's been exploited by many cities in the country, including san francisco, houston, a number of the cities that want to boycott arizona, the violation of the federal law that prohibits cities from becoming sanctuary cities has been a circumstance um vention and it says the series of requirements that are in there that prohibit the local law enforcement -- local cities from, let me say, protecting illegals in their communities and they have found a way to pass memorandums of understanding or city ordinances that direct their police officers to not gather information. because the statute that's written wasn't tight enough. it requires that once they have the information they have to transfer it on to federal law enforcement officials and so they prohibit local law enfo
santana garcia and several others that are there are federal precedents and local law enforcement implicitly has the authority to enforce immigration law. regardless of whether it's a 287-g agreement, local law enforcement has the authority to enforce immigration law and there's a federal law that prohibits sanctuary cities and it's been exploited by many cities in the country, including san francisco, houston, a number of the cities that want to boycott arizona, the violation of the federal...
Apr 19, 2010
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beginning to happen in juarez which the primary enforcement duties are being transitioned to psychiatry garcia with the military remaining but in a protective stance, and i believe that is the way it will show significant improvement in the near term as well as over the longer term. >> your assessment is that this number 18 mark of increased capacity, greatly improved capacity on the part of the police and secondly that that is the optimum long-term pattern the military would remain in that supportive role but would not be the primary force. what return to the controlled substance pilot project that is an agreement between the mexican attorney general, i.c.e. and cdp that enables them, the mexicans to prosecute drug smuggling cases for whatever reasons those cases are declined by the u.s. attorney's office. there's a similar program for aliens smuggler prosecution on the oasis program. so assistant secretary bersin, you refer to the first to convictions from this new drug prosecution program. you don't make a reference to the prosecution's for alien smuggling. but can you tell about the impact
beginning to happen in juarez which the primary enforcement duties are being transitioned to psychiatry garcia with the military remaining but in a protective stance, and i believe that is the way it will show significant improvement in the near term as well as over the longer term. >> your assessment is that this number 18 mark of increased capacity, greatly improved capacity on the part of the police and secondly that that is the optimum long-term pattern the military would remain in...