versus santana garcia, in case you want to look at up tonight, mr. speaker, in if you're having trouble sleeping. i'll tell you simply what that ays is, the federal court, 10th circuit,oncluded it is imicit thalocal law enforcement has the auority to eorce federal iraugs law -- immigration law, it wasn't contemplated oerwise, i would go furtheto say ifthere was something implicit that lal law enforcement can't enforce deral lawdoes that r-bere-seen a federal officer is assated or murdered by someone, that local law enforcement can't pick them up, because it a feral law. if a national bank was robbed, cod the unty sheriffs pick up the bank robbers a support the law against robng federal banks? or uld you ve to wait until thf.i. showed up to be able to pick up t robbers of th federal banks? byhe same token, if it's a city ordinance that's being violated, can state highway patrol enfoe city ordinance and i'll suggest that yes,hey should do that. they should do that when that becomes an obtion of their job, when there's a law being broken in front of the