today our industries are the more power shift from labor towards capital and again this was also gargan from the from the from the communists or effect on the karl marx arguing capitalism is will destroy themselves because of the inability to cope with technological advances so capital increase increase our expense our labor now as oh it is recognized you know both on the free marketeers. it's really come to some to have this on difficult relationship now and if you see what the last few years how much power to take companies out. they are the main companies now and this will only intensify as they begin to take over industries the belong to the physical world and so again well how old how will society based we restructured i can be phrase which. he said in a few sentences and my own attitude to it be george here this is about i meet control i mean this is about maintaining complete control this is what it's all about ok again and they can flowered up all they want with their utopian language but no they want you know they have done it they've done well through this crisis and they want