. >> reporter: garking enrolled in obama care, signing up for a new policy thawill cost him $70 more each month. >>nd i find that havinto pay money for verage that is not reallyood for me is pretty disappointing. but as f as getting the insurance under the california exchange iwas easy enough once you figured out how to do it. >> reporter: b king is the ception. early reports show in the first six weeks since enrollment opened,nly 110,000 americans signed up. 60,0 through most of the state exchanges. fewer than 50,0 more in a federal mart place according to "wall street journ." for tober, 500,000, and well off the pace to meet the government's projection of 7 million by the end omarch. administration officials say they won't confirm enrollment numbers until ter this week, but insist they've always expected the first round would be low. toght administration officials sa the website is getting better eh week so mh so, brian, tha beginning today they'rectually sending out 275,00 e-mails in wes encouraginpeople who had problems with the website to try again. >> peter alexander at the wte