garland nixon thank you. >> what happened in dallas was clear cut. justify rampage against the police. and how the media covered matters of race and law enforcement and responding to last night's massacre. >>> we had an adequate amount of officers at the scene. and we were blocking traffic and doing all the things to protect people's rights to protest and their free speech. we are not going to let a coward who would ambush police officers change our democracy. we're not going to do it. our city, our country, is better than that. >> the dallas police chief this morning with heroic words at an unspeakably difficult time, defending free speech is just one part of the narrative surrounding this tragic story. howard kurtz is a fox news media analyst and he joins us now with his take on how the media is covering this so far. it's early into this, howie, but what do you think? >> there have been some polarizing exceptions. the "new york post"'s cover says "civil war," some are tweeting, "punks, america is coming after you." by and large i think the media co