has been done amok in concert enough to lodge their current garm garbage dump was owner and mother smiles all honest as ok yet it's not cooked and unbent speedman i'm one does this not just come from the north i don't want him that's for any of the cities can't even use my mentality to spawn panna death. scene my reason for new spirit is the you're just my annoying it is my instincts evoke in the moment and this is. my 1st contact with drugs came through my father. when i was small boy my father of course. not only productive then but listen to all the recordings so a lot of what i know and what the intuitively feel now has to do with what he was pointing out and we all know that the 1st introduction brainy thing is the most powerful and long lasting one. from bernstein i remember the 4th symphony which he was teaching in the summer institute that was kind of a life changing experience. everything the to do with a 4th symphony is very vivid listed in my mind something that actually made me realize or love the spontaneous of something that we never thought existed before that. i've got a l