we welcome garo ghazarian.ackson's longtime friend and dermatologist dr. arnold klein. and richard conley. the civil attorney for dr. klein. why does he need a criminal attorney? >> well, the same reason one needs an orthodontist. if somebody tells you your teeth are crooked, you go in -- >> larry: has someone told him he's a person of interest? >> well, apparently, you know, when the news media started producing reports that started painting a picture of him, his personal counsel, richard charlie, seated to my left, thought it would be appropriate to be brought into the picture. >> larry: why, richard? >> this is one of those stories that's been hard to get in front of. every day, we hear more and more comments about different people, arnold klein's life has been examined as if he were running for political office. at some point in time, there was a line that was crossed. i called garo. >> larry: do you have fear then of a possible criminal charge? is that a fear? >> my job is to make sure that my client is ab