joining me now to discuss, garrett graff. nice to have you on the show. want to play something for you and get your reaction because here is an attorney for several of these defendants today. listen to this. >> the defendants in the case, none of them have money. none of them will get anything. >> destitute. money is a huge motivator. will this actually be able to have the detouring? >> people that will organize or thinking of organizing similar gatherings in the future will think twice about and this is something where the money is one thing, the distraction for these defendants of these legal proceedings has kept them from being more active in this hate mongering movement in the last couple years and it's certainly going to limit their ability to participate in it going forward. so, you know, this is a verdict that is a win for the good guys. >> well, i mean, you have talked about this as seeing kind of a straight line, a through line with this case and a lot of the other cases we're seeing right now. tell me how so. >> yeah, i think this is -- this ver