researching his book, "the prohibition hangover: alcohol in america from demon rum to cult cabernet," garrett peck began getting temperment tours of historic sites in washington, d.c.. booktv joined mr. peck to learn how the temperance movement led to prohibition in 1920, and why prohibition was repealed in 1933. >> first of all what is prohibition and how did we get? >> it was started in january 16, 1920, once the 18th amendment was ratified but it was part of a century long movement to ban alcohol in this country. that movement was called the temperance movement that the idea behind there initially, temperance men to moderate one's drinking, but by the 1820s, the movement decided that peo cm a call. this was led by evangelical churches started in the 18 tens, and they believed alcohol was simple, it was wrong. they called it demon rum. they associate alcohol with a double. and therefore, everybody had to stop writing altogether. this movement lasted a century long. their idea what to clean up and sober up american society and eventually end up with a decent, middle-class, white paste protestant