that video shows garrett phillips skateboarding past nick hillary's parked car at the potsdam high school. moments after garrett passes, nick pulls out. >> did you see garrett skateboard by? >> no, i didn't. >> obviously surveillance tape shows that he did, to go home. >> exactly, exactly. >> that's a pretty extraordinary convince den. >> very much so. >> given what happens. >> yes. but watch carefully. instead of turning right to go straight home, hillary turns left. prosecutors say he's following garrett on his way to commit murder. why would you turn left? >> when i made a left, my intentions were to get to the office. and i quickly realize i need to make provisions for my daughter at home. >> reporter: but that's not what his defense attorney argues during the trial. he says hillary turned left to visit his assistant coach. >> the inference you can draw from nick making the left fielding's house. >> this case was primarily based on surveillance video, potential motive, and his own arguably inconsistent statements. there's no hard evidence. like dna, fingerprints. >> reporter: in closi