(mal "at then's genel assely"garry dis, the rld citin "whoot pple talking abt hiat the session'seginnip. sees me. [chuckng] it w like th! somebodyrom the ople d the flr given byhe present ofhe unitenations!well, started: "theations y represe divide u "andead us tohe abyssf total r. "what need isne goverent foone worl nd if yowon't dot, st aside! "and people'world asmbly "wl arise om our o ranks "to dot. cause can beserv by noing less (gry) well was hused out and, oosite, saazac is givi thsame speh in freh. (garry) and th we tookver. wead so ny peopl wantinto speakn that bcony that we terruptethat seson r a full hou th went alover theorld. (rorter)at a rect sittin of then's neral asmbly "an asnishing tburst from mr.arry dav knn as wor citizeno1."(youngarry shos out) pass e word tthe peop!" we... wenew we h to go ev bigger. we h to plan big, bi.. sptacular ow. to bak the ljam... when tt vote ce up the genal assemy. we rted the ggest hall iparis, lled theélodrome'hiver. theélodrome'hiver the madon squar gardenf paris.i> d we rend it on th3rd ofecembe toold the eting onhe 9th anmpossibl