so, gary b, you found some middle class tax hikes in this plan? >> no, i did not. there are trax gouges. if a person has to go out and buy the government-mandated insurance: let's say you just graduated from college and make $26,000 a year, so you have to pay 14% of your income. let's say you graduate with a master's, 15%. family of four, you make $54,000, 18% of your income! that's in addition to all the other taxes, cap and trade and all that stuff. you might as well hand your paycheck over to the government. >> do you agree? >> not at all. there is nothing to suggest that the middle class will pay any taxes on it, one, and two, if they did, it would be political suicide because anyone who supported it in congress would not get re-elected. look at baucus bill and the congressional budget office says it will cover 94% of costs and lessen the deficit over time. >> those things conveniently go into effect after the next presidential election. toby, she says there is no middle class tax cuts. >> if you get a health healthcare plan from your employer and you pay a $5