i'm gary bell. i i'm, by profession, a permit expediter. permit runner. i have been working maybe 20 years. i'm at the building department most every day helping others get their permits so i'm talking from that standpoint. my specific issue is about the site permit process. site permits are terrific. it is a wonderful vehicle to allow our customers, my clients, to get their entitlement approved before they go through the building department approval process. however, from a processing standpoint and moving the permit forward on a day-by-day basis it is very confusing and you need somebody like me to work through the process. i understand recently that there's some idea to change the site permit process. i understand also that the decisihow to change it lies with the director. i would like to encourage that the public advisory committee be involved in the process, if my understanding is correct about the retooling of the site permit process. i would like to request that the public advisory committee set up its own committee of participants in the process