these include the large capital of vestments that you see here, venice and gary brt, etc., as well as many of the area planning studies, market octavia studies, these are basically acknowledged that the land-use transportation plans need to be done more in a coordinated fashion. in addition the transportation sustainability program has come to focus with a cbc streamlining work. the second initiative from 2004 but we make a progress on is the idea of streets as public space. we don't have enough public open space. we have been using the available space more innovatively through things like sunday street, pavement to park, streetscape improvements such as avalencia and leland, and pilots, things like a better market street pilot. that we eventually got legislated. the idea of using public space. by time of day. the third one, was tdm, travel demand management. the idea to use policy tools to shape and encourage people to think about alternatives and partner with new types of organizations, car sharing, bike sharing, finding the balance of working with private employers investing in reg