while medicare spending is on an unsustainable path, the brookings institution's gary burtless pinning down future medical costs is hard to do. >> it's growing faster than the price of most other service providers, but the question is how much faster and will eventually those excess cost increases for medical care slow down so the rate of increase is closer to the prices we pay for other services. >> reporter: the outlook for the social security trust fund did not change much, but the program's cash flow did. for the first time in more than 25 years, benefit costs now exceed tax revenues and will for decades to come. last year, social security ran a cash deficit of $49 billion. a $41 billion deficit is projected for this year and another $20 billion gap by 2014. to cover those deficits, social security will have to dip into its $2.6 trillion trust fund. heritage foundation analyst david john says that trust fund is made up of special treasury bonds which will be redeemed with other federal borrowing. >> they have the full faith and credit of the united states government, so they will b